
Authentication Config

A JSON file that contains details for third-party authentication, such as Google API keys, which are used in metric sources.


A grouping mechanism that combines individual metrics to create a higher-level metric, representing the collective behavior of these metrics as a single indicator.

Layer Config

A JSON file used to specify the configuration of a layer.

Layer Data

A CSV file that stores time series data for individual and overall scores of metrics forming a layer.

Layer Score

A weighted average of normalized metric scores within a layer.


A system or standard of measurement used to express the performance of something as a numerical value.

Metric Score

A numeric result obtained by taking a metric measurement.

Metric Source

An implementation of functions that generate raw and normalized scores for a specific metric.

Metric Weight

The weight assigned to a metric within a layer represented as a floating-point value between 0 and 1. The sum of weights for all metrics in a layer should equal 1.

Normalized Metric Score

A floating-point value between 0 and 1, representing a normalized version of a raw metric score. This normalization is often defined in the context of a goal. For example, if a project has a goal of reaching 1000 GitHub stars, it may be calculated as max(raw_metric_score/2000, 1) to assign scores below 0.5 if the goal hasn’t been met and scores of 0.5 or higher if the goal has been achieved or exceeded.

Raw Metric Score

The user-friendly, unaltered score for a metric. For instance, it could be the number of stars for a GitHub project.